Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Diner, Drive-in, and Dive of Skandia: the A&M Cafe

Here I am in Marquette, a city in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, (the top mitten for those people) spending my last summer of college. There are a few things I squared off right away: sweet design internship (check), new swimsuit (check), Netflix account (check). Although all of these are important for a successful summer, I want to do something bigger, better, and more memorable than any other summer since this may be the last summer I'll have to live the vagabond life. I want to explore all the U.P. has to offer from the beautiful cliffs of Pictured Rocks, to hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Gene, my boyfriend, got us camping gear for our anniversary so camping will be the most likely form of shelter on these adventures (which I'm really looking forward to minus the no shower and bug factor). I'm sure there will be many stories to come based on these experiences. Besides exploring the U.P., I hope to visit Anna, my sister who's saving the world, in Nicaragua and take a family trip in June.

So... where to start? I thought I'd go the foodie route first since I will be taking off tomorrow for a week. There is this diner called the A&M cafe out in Skandia on the way to my Grandma's cabin. For basically being in the middle of nowheresville and from the looks of the outside remodeled from an old gas station, the A&M Cafe makes incredible food (especially cinnamon rolls). So this morning I drove Gene out to good ole A&M Cafe for a hearty breakfast. It's a no frills kinda place, generic brown chairs and tables, beige walls, incredibly random wall decor, but its clean and the window to the kitchen proves all of the food is homemade. Unfortunately they were out of cinnamon rolls this morning (craappp) BUT they did have mammoth sized homemade muffins that worked just as well. After barely making a dent in my 5 lb plate of potatoes, eggs, and hash, we left stuffed and smiling. Thank you A&M Cafe for the delicious food, I will be back :)

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